Articoli, Radical Thinking in Time of Pandemic

Radical Thinking in Time of Pandemic [Reading List #3]

In tempi di pandemia anche il pensiero critico deve interrogarsi su come sta cambiando il mondo. Quali categorie politiche, economiche e sociali possono essere utili per analizzare l’impatto del Covid-19 sugli spazi urbani, l’organizzazione del lavoro, le catene globali del valore, il progetto neo-liberale, gli equilibri geopolitici su scala mondiale, le forme di lotta e i soggetti resistenti?
Into the Black Box curerà in questo periodo una lista settimanale di letture utili per interrogarsi attorno a tutti questi nodi.
Qua tutte le reading list.

In times of pandemic, even critical thinking has to question how the world is changing. Which political, economic and social categories can be useful to analyze the impact of Covid-19 on urban spaces, work organization, global value chains, the neo-liberal project, geopolitical balances on a global scale, forms of struggle and resistant subjects?
Into the Black Box will be producing a weekly list of readings during this period, which will be useful to ask questions about all these issues.
Here are all the reading lists.


Viral Inequality
Far from merely reflecting an unequal distribution of economic means, rising inequality comes with a broad range of additional toxic side effects, many of which the COVID-19 pandemic has thrown into sharp relief. With the pandemic transforming life around the world before our eyes, this is a problem that can no longer be ignored.

This is a Global Pandemic – Let’s Treat it as Such
In the face of the COVID-19 tsunami, our lives are changing in ways that were inconceivable just a few short weeks ago. Not since the 2008-2009 economic collapse has the world collectively shared an experience of this kind: a single, rapidly-mutating, global crisis, structuring the rhythm of our daily lives within a complex calculus of risk and competing probabilities.

Covid-19, lo sciopero degli affitti come immunità di gregge
“Questo aprile, un’ondata mai vista di persone non pagherà l’affitto. Alcuni lo faranno per solidarietà. Alcuni perché non hanno scelta. Alcuni lo faranno insieme a tutto il loro condominio. Altri da soli. Questo sciopero non appartiene agli attivisti o agli organizzatori, ma a tutte noi, a chiunque semplicemente non può o non vuole sostenere il peso di questa crisi”, dice il comunicato Immunità per tutti: invito a scioperare, uscito il 27 marzo e appena tradotto in italiano.

“We Can Use This Crisis to Reconceptualize the Economy”
Australian workers are finally being addressed in the government’s rescue packages, but the measures go nowhere near far enough. National Secretary of the United Workers’ Union Tim Kennedy argues that the crisis offers an opportunity for genuine pushback and transformation.

Covid19 y la doctrina del shock en los mercados financieros
A la vez que ha quebrado las cadenas de producción globales, covid19  ha revelado las graves disfunciones de los mercados financieros internacionales. La respuesta sin precedentes de los bancos centrales en favor de las grandes corporaciones, entre ellas las más contaminantes, no hará más que agravar la crisis climática. 


Coronavirus: global trade braces for ‘tidal wave’ ahead, as shutdown batters supply chains
A series of data points show where world trade is going, and the picture for air and sea freight is not a pretty one. Supply and demand crises are coalescing on the high seas, as more countries shut their borders.

“Amazon Is a Breeding Ground”
Amazon workers are preparing to walk out of a Staten Island warehouse, claiming that COVID-19 is rampant there. “My job description says have a high school diploma and lift fifty pounds. It doesn’t say risk my life working during a pandemic.”

Amazon auditions to be ‘the new Red Cross’ in Covid-19 crisis
This could be the group’s finest hour but there are concerns about workers being put at risk

Why Amazon Is Poised to Emerge from the Covid-19 Crisis Stronger Than Ever
So far, Amazon has reacted to the coronavirus outbreak with restrictions designed to cement its market power at the expense of merchants and consumers.

Social Research

Social Research for a COVID and Post-COVID World: An Initial Agenda
All social research, whether it is directly focusing on the pandemic or not, is now inevitably changed. We are now dealing with a COVID world and a post-COVID world lies in our future.

COVID-19, Ébola y la colonialidad de la imagen
Si comparamos el distinto tratamiento de la imagen durante los sucesivos brotes del Ébola en países africanos con el que se le está dando en Europa a la crisis del COVID-19 observamos que la protección de la dignidad humana sigue estando atravesada por la colonialidad del poder.

Estrategias culturales de identidad nacional en la gestión de la pandemia por COVID-19
La objetividad de los datos en que nos movemos pudiera ser aparente y estar modulada, interferida o utilizada por procesos de construcción de identidad continental, nacional o regional con importantes implicaciones políticas, sociales y – por supuesto – económicas. En este sentido, quiero poner en contraste cómo están discurriendo la producción y distribución de datos y conocimiento dentro del ámbito científico de la salud, y en la órbita pública, para extraer algunas ideas sobre sus diversas estrategias y consecuencias.

Coronavirus, ciencias sociales y política
La crisis del nuevo coronavirus está colocando todo de patas para arriba. ¿Cuáles pueden ser las contribuciones de las ciencias sociales sobre esto? ¿Tendrá alguna utilidad lo que tienen para decir? Si es así, ¿cómo se relaciona con la política actual?

Saber parar. Sobre el rol del cognitariado durante la cuarentena
En el correr de la cuarentena diferentes trabajos intentan adaptarse para ser hechos desde casa: desde ventas a enseñanza. Para muchas adaptarse no es una elección sino una imposición y se supone que a quienes se les da esa posibilidad deberían celebrar que no son echadas o mandadas a seguro de paro. Adaptarse al aislamiento y al miedo a les otres para poder seguir teniendo qué comer y que la vida siga. ¿Pero a qué precio? Mientras nos hacemos esa pregunta baja el costo de sostener locales para el trabajo y el que conlleva la existencia de vida social, desde transporte a manutención de espacios públicos.

Il virus è il messaggio della società automatica
La potenza comunicativa di questo virus, di certo il più mediatico della storia, va ben oltre la sua capacità di tenere in ostaggio le routine produttive dei media. Esso modifica progressivamente la percezione dello spazio-tempo, creando un effetto di sospensione in cui tutto può accadere e difatti tutto accade. Un processo in cui persino le categorie fondamentali di spazio/tempo si modificano all’avanzare dell’infezione. Da ciò deriva l’oscillazione inaudita dell’essere dinnanzi alla sua avanzata, quell’apriamo tutto o chiudiamo tutto che ha caratterizzato il punto di vista della politica e del cittadino comune, alle prese con un insostenibile e continuo riadattamento cognitivo. Questa capacità del virus di plasmare e riplasmare l’intera sostanza del sociale, lo avvicina a ciò che M. McLuhan considerava come un mezzo puro. In quel caso era la velocità della luce elettrica, che rappresenta un medium senza messaggio, informazione allo stato puro, in questo caso anche il virus si presenta come un mezzo senza messaggio.


Coronavirus has not suspended politics – it has revealed the nature of power
But this is not the suspension of politics. It is the stripping away of one layer of political life to reveal something more raw underneath. In a democracy we tend to think of politics as a contest between different parties for our support. We focus on the who and the what of political life: who is after our votes, what they are offering us, who stands to benefit. We see elections as the way to settle these arguments. But the bigger questions in any democracy are always about the how: how will governments exercise the extraordinary powers we give them? And how will we respond when they do?

Il Coronavirus non ha sospeso la politica – ha rivelato la natura del potere

COVID-19 pandemic: A Crisis of Care
The novel coronavirus outbreak is a new global crisis. Yet the current crisis is not only the result of a new pathogen circulating around the world. It is also a crisis of care. Here the Care Collective (Andreas Chatzidakis, Jamie Hakim, Jo Littler, Catherine Rottenberg, Lynne Segal) outline the contours of the crisis of care, and how we can think care work different.

What will the world be like after coronavirus? Four possible futures
There are a number of possible futures, all dependent on how governments and society respond to coronavirus and its economic aftermath. Hopefully we will use this crisis to rebuild, produce something better and more humane. But we may slide into something worse.

“Il laboratorio Italia”. Ripensare il debito ai tempi del virus
Ancora una volta l’Italia sperimenta processi e esperienze poi divenuti globali. Nel caso del coronavirus il fenomeno è del tutto nuovo, visto che non si tratta di un evento di per sé politico o economico, ma di un’epidemia che, a causa della sua ferocia e della rapidissima diffusione, richiede provvedimenti straordinari. È in questo passaggio che l’Italia è diventata avanguardia, per prima coinvolta in Occidente, dopo l’iniziale propagazione del virus in Cina, e per questo considerata sin da subito un “laboratorio”.

States of Emergency, Metaphors of Virus, and COVID-19
With the COVID-19 pandemic increasing in severity by the day, governments across the world have invoked viral metaphors to effect emergency legislation, in the process clamping down on civil liberties. In such a circumstance, what can the work of those who have studied liberal regimes’ propensity to make the state of exception the rule, such as Giorgio Agamben and Carl Schmitt, offer to us – if anything at all?

Policing the pandemic: “security” for whom?
The human tragedy of the coronavirus pandemic must not be permitted to become a pretext for the expansion of state powers that brutalize vulnerable communities.

Crying for Repression: Populist and Democratic Biopolitics in Times of COVID-19
We live in very Foucauldian times, as the many think-pieces published on biopolitics and COVID-19 show. Yet what is remarkable—biopolitically—about the current situation has gone largely unnoticed: We are witnessing a new form of biopolitics today that could be termed populist biopolitics. Awareness of this populist biopolitics helps illuminate what is needed today: democratic biopolitics.

Resilience, radicalisation and democracy in the COVID-19 Pandemic
With lockdowns, an already alarming situation of vulnerability to political manipulation is at risk of becoming a disaster for democracy.

América Latina: el realismo capitalista y la realidad del coronavirus
Antes de dilucidar si en América Latina las respuestas al coronavirus buscarán avivar el Estado de bienestar o se propondrán quimeras autoritarias de control social, será necesario repasar con qué Estados se topó el virus en su llegada a la región y cómo actuaron líderes como Bolsonaro, Fernández y Piñera frente a la pandemia.

A widening data divide: COVID-19 and the Global South
COVID-19 shows the need for a global alliance of experts who can fast-track the capacity building of developing countries in the business of counting.

Généalogie d’une alternative néolibérale
Le «choix» entre économie et santé ne date pas de la pandémie. Il sous-tendait déjà l’opposition entre l’économie forcément rationnelle et le non-économique (l’humain, le social) pensé comme une charge.

Coronavirus, risk society and the return of the State
First, it is worth recalling Ulrich Beck’s discussion of the risk society, which was broached since 1986 in his consecutive books, assuming a clearly global character. It concerned the environment, infections, instability in family life, the job market. The theory somewhat mixed too many things, but as for the coronavirus its foresight was radical. In fact, the World Health Organization has referred to pandemics as a global risk for some years.

Judith Butler: “Debería haber otras formas de refugio que no dependan de una falsa idea del hogar”
Sopa de Wuhan: pensamiento contemporáneo en tiempos de pandemia es el título de una publicación digital que recopila artículos de diversos intelectuales. En días oscuros, la exigencia al pensamiento es urgente. En entrevista para La Tercera, la filósofa norteamericana Judith Butler, una de las autoras incluidas en este libro, reflexiona acerca de lo que esta catástrofe nos impone.

Biopolitics in the Time of Coronavirus
In a recent blog post, Joshua Clover rightly notices the swift emergence of a new panoply of “genres of the quarantine.” It should not come as a surprise that one of them centers on Michel Foucault’s notion of biopolitics, asking whether or not it is still appropriate to describe the situation that we are currently experiencing. Neither should it come as a surprise that, in virtually all of the contributions that make use of the concept of biopolitics to address the current coronavirus pandemic, the same bunch of rather vague ideas are mentioned over and over again, while other—no doubt more interesting—Foucauldian insights tend to be ignored. In what follows, I discuss two of these insights, and I conclude with some methodological remarks on the issue of what it may mean to “respond” to the current “crisis.”

La vita nuda tra Immunitas e Communitas
Quante volte, scavallando il secolo, ci siamo detti “nulla sarà più come prima”. Nel fine secolo con la fine del fordismo, con la sua metamorfosi. Con la caduta del muro ed il riapparire nella ex Yugoslavia in frantumi della comunità maledetta del sangue, del suolo e delle religioni e dei campi di concentramento etnici nella Europa che aveva perso memoria ed il senso del tragico. Con il farsi avanti delle “guerre giuste” poi dopo L’ 11 settembre diventate “guerre per la democrazia” sino all’oggi delle “guerre a pezzi” continuate. Poi il 2008 con il fallimento della Lehman Brothers che data l’inizio di una crisi ben presente da tempo nelle lunghe deriva del turbo capitalismo finanziario. Balzi d’epoca ove ha sobbalzato la nostra capacità di continuare a cercare per continuare a capire nell’apocalisse culturale del non riconoscersi più in ciò che ci era abituale. Ma adesso il salto d’epoca di covid 19, sempre per citare De Martino, evoca la “Fine del Mondo” che va letto, non solo per speranza, ma per ricercare e capire che siamo di fronte alla fine di UN mondo.

La geopolítica tras el coronavirus
“La última fase de la globalización comenzó en 1989 y quizás termine hoy, con el coronavirus”. “Una fuerte cultura de la defensa nacional y un sólido sistema social de redistribución son factores diferenciales ante una pandemia”. “¿Por cuál de los dos caminos seguiremos después del coronavirus? ¿La sociedad al servicio de la economía, o la economía al servicio de la sociedad?”

Antonio Gramsci en tiempos de Coronavirus
A mediados del siglo pasado, hablar de crisis significaba hacer referencia a una situación contingente, pasajera, no previsible y, desde luego, no insoluble. Hoy en día, el término ha perdido sentido. La “crisis” ha dejado de ser la excepción y se ha vuelto la norma. Unos meses atrás, la crisis era política, económica, ecológica pero también cultural. No era solo que extremistas, como Trump, paulatinamente ganaran terreno hasta posicionarse como claros referentes de una nueva forma de hacer política; la propia oposición entre democracia y mercado, entre solidaridad y egoísmo se ponía encima de la mesa, mientras organismos supraestatales como el FMI anunciaban una crisis económica sin precedente en décadas. Hoy la crisis es también y sobre todo, al menos de momento, sanitaria.

The Rise and Fall of Biopolitics: A Response to Bruno Latour
How swiftly do genres of the quarantine emerge! Notable among them is the discovery of the relation between the present pandemic and onrushing climate collapse. The driving force of this genre is not holy shit two ways for a lot of people to die but the realization, or hope, that the great mobilizations of state resources currently being unspooled to address COVID-19 prove the possibility of a comparable or greater mobilization against ecological catastrophe, an even greater threat if somewhat less immediate. There is to be sure a certain mixing of analogies: in the United States, confronting climate change is conventionally likened to the New Deal or Marshall Plan, schemes to hedge against the charisma of communism, while addressing the pandemic decisively takes the language of war itself, a “war footing,” “wartime president,” and so on. This is an interesting slippage, no doubt, though both analogies rely on a vision of preserving global hegemony. Insert rueful laugh.

Understanding the Coronavirus Pandemic with Foucault?
It looks like a biopolitical dream: governments, advised by physicians, impose pandemic dictatorship on entire populations. Getting rid of all democratic obstacles under the pretext of “health,” even “survival,” they are finally able to govern the population as they have, more or less openly, always done in modernity: as pure “biomass,” as “bare life” to be exploited. It is no coincidence that such notions are increasingly invoked by high theoreticians like Giorgio Agamben (who introduced the concept of “bare life” in contemporary political theory), but also here and there on the web in the works of those critical critics who purport to explain what is happening with “Foucault” in their toolbox. The notions of “biopower” and “biopolitics” are too seductive, they appear as catchwords of the hour in whose bright light the truth of governing in pandemic times is revealed.


The Jobs at Risk Index (JARI)
We have then used this data to create a Risk Indication Factor (RIF) that can usefully scope the risk of COVID-19 infection for workers in those occupations. Below we have unpacked this data into different charts so as to highlight key findings. Although the results are only indicative, they reveal much about the UK labour market and the workers who will be most affected by the COVID-19 crisis.

No masks and uncertain sick leave: new york whole foods delivery workers say amazon is failing to protect them
The richest man in the world is now responsible for the workers on the front lines of the coronavirus crisis, who risk their lives daily to provide groceries and basic goods to people confined to their homes. But Whole Foods delivery workers say new measures implemented by Jeff Bezos and Amazon are failing to protect them and hundreds of thousands of customers from contracting and spreading the virus.

Gig workers are set to strike today demanding better protection from coronavirus
Home delivery services are experiencing unprecedented growth in demand as people stay home.

The Coronavirus Strikes and their Significance, So Far
Across the United States we are seeing workers walk off the job in wildcat strikes in response to the employers’ failure either to shut down the workplace or to make it safe. The strikes are too few to call them a strike wave, but we should be aware that on their own initiative workers are taking what practically is the most powerful action they can: withdrawing their labor. The strikes are taking place in both the private and public sector, in both unionized and non-union workplaces large and small.

Can Airbnb Survive Coronavirus?
The short-term rental market is reeling from the coronavirus-driven tourism collapse. Can the industry’s dominant player stage a comeback after lockdowns lift?


La métropolisation du monde est une cause de la pandémie
Le coronavirus s’est répandu extrêmement rapidement, de métropole en métropole, profitant des intenses flux mondiaux qui les relient. « L’une des causes principales de la pandémie est à trouver dans la métropolisation du monde », et dans la société coupée de la nature qu’elles ont construite, explique le géographe Guillaume Faburel.

Will Airbnb Become Obsolete After the Coronavirus?
The world’s most-visited cities are deserted. When the virus passes, they will be durably changed.

Mapping How Cities Are Reclaiming Street Space
To help get essential workers around, cities are revising traffic patterns, suspending public transit fares, and making more room for bikes and pedestrians.


Pandemia y capital en el Sur global
Los asuntos de actualidad están provocando debates públicos que parecían estar circunscriptos a las elites de diferentes campos: la comunidad científica global se pronuncia abiertamente y las corporaciones del bigpharma responden; los economistas trazan fórmulas y la sociología, cartografías; los “expertos” asesoran a los altos mandos y los intelectuales escriben preguntando por lo que no está siendo enunciado. Este estado de excepción sanitario demuestra que, a pesar del riesgo que supone pensar sobre –y mientras–lo que sucede, muchos están dispuestos a tomarlo.

Autopsia de la vulnerabilidad sistémica de la globalización capitalista
Existen los avatares y existe la vulnerabilidad que lleva a las catástrofes. La confusión entre ambas cuestiones es una de las características esenciales del discurso oficial del gobierno francés (y de otros muchos gobiernos). No es de extrañar esta confusión voluntaria cuya función es ocultar y hacer desaparecer la segunda que, en efecto, cumple la función de analizadora de las contradicciones de un sistema social, de reveladora de la realidad que la ideología dominante oculta o deforma habitualmente y de espejo de aumento de unas desigualdades y dominaciones que la caracterizan. Efectivamente, el hecho de centrarse voluntariamente en la dimensión de “catástrofe” difumina unas imágenes de imprevisibilidad, de incertidumbre, de ausencia de responsabilidad humana, etc. El hecho de centrarse en la vulnerabilidad cuestiona las causas económicas y sociales de una situación, las verdaderas razones del conjunto de las consecuencias de una catástrofe y los intereses económicos que han provocado esta vulnerabilidad. ¿Qué nos revela la pandemia sobre la vulnerabilidad de nuestro mundo dominado por una globalización capitalista?

Capitalism Has its Limits
The imperative to isolate coincides with a new recognition of our global interdependence during the new time and space of pandemic. On the one hand, we are asked to sequester ourselves in family units, shared dwelling spaces, or individual domiciles, deprived of social contact and relegated to spheres of relative isolation; on the other hand, we are faced with a virus that swiftly crosses borders, oblivious to the very idea of national territory.  What are the consequences of this pandemic for thinking about equality, global interdependence and our obligations toward one another?

Capitalism’s Triple Crisis
After the 2008 financial crisis, we learned the hard way what happens when governments flood the economy with unconditional liquidity, rather than laying the foundation for a sustainable and inclusive recovery. Now that an even more severe crisis is underway, we must not repeat the same mistake.

After Supply Chain Capitalism
When supply chains break, the first thing that becomes immediately apparent is that “chain” is and has always been the wrong metaphor. They are more like constellations or ecologies, or if chains, they are maybe more like a mesh of chain maille. Their effects cascade across a network rather than discretely unlink one system from another. The legibility and order of containerized standardization in supply chains doesn’t resolve or erase on-the-ground complexity or risk, it only obscures it from consumers (and, in most cases, from companies themselves).

Why this crisis is a turning point in history
The era of peak globalisation is over. For those of us not on the front line, clearing the mind and thinking how to live in an altered world is the task at hand.

 « La crise du coronavirus signale l’accélération d’un nouveau capitalisme, le capitalisme numérique »
L’économiste Daniel Cohen analyse la crise sanitaire comme un moment de basculement de l’économie dans un nouveau régime de croissance et du rôle de l’Etat dans un nouveau mode d’intervention sociale.

Catastrophe capitalism: climate change, COVID-19, and economic crisis
In the backdrop of the ravaging coronavirus pandemic, John Bellamy Foster, editor of Monthly Review, the famous socialist magazine, discusses the pandemic in relation to the present condition of capitalism and economic crisis in the following interview conducted by Farooque Chowdhury in late-March, 2020.

Social Reproduction and the Pandemic, with Tithi Bhattacharya
The coronavirus crisis has made clear that care and life-making work are the essential work of society.


Covid-19 and Big Data: A Footnote
After the novel coronavirus (Covid-19) epidemic began in Wuhan, a city in Eastern China, and started to spread across the world, the Center for Systems Science and Engineering at Johns Hopkins University developed and made public on January 22, 2020 an interactive web-based dashboard tracking in real-time the global number of new cases, recoveries, and deaths, in both linear and logarithmic modes. The dashboard has become the obsession of millions of people (now confined) around the world. Since then, other big data websites and tracking tools that offer equally hypnotizing models and maps have sprouted

How data-mining companies are set to gain from the Covid-19 pandemic
Their business model, challenged by numerous activists and analysts, is likely to gain further public acceptance, to the detriment of democracy.

Tech Firms Are Swooping in to Profit From COVID-19
As health systems around the world are thrown into crisis, tech firms are winning lucrative government contracts to roll out spurious apps and digital services. We need technological innovation to combat this pandemic, but it must be administered publicly to prevent the further commodification of our health care.

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