Platform Communism: un manifesto per muoversi dentro e contro il capitalismo delle piattaforme

Se non ve ne foste accorti, siamo oramai nell’era delle piattaforme. L’impatto dirompente di questi dispositivi si è consolidato in una presenza capillare all’interno delle relazioni sociali ed economiche delle nostre società. Ovunque, dall’Asia all’America Latina, dall’Africa all’Europa. Non è più possibile immaginare una giornata qualunque senza collegarsi a una app per comprare qualsivoglia servizio, …

(De)coding AI: Examining the political and environmental impact of the lifecycle of algorithms

We recommend this seminar at Oxford Internet Institute organized by Dr. Ana Valdivia and Dr. Benedetta Brevini.We will participare with a speech on platforms as infrastructures and their frictions with living labour. Artificial intelligence (AI) has a wide political and environmental impact. In the last years academics, journalists and civil organisations have centred their efforts …

Call for Participation: Experiencing the City

Into the Black Box (Collective Research on Logistics, Spaces and Labor) and The Academy of Global Humanities and Critical Theory, in collaboration with the Seminar on Borders, Migrations and Subjectivities in Contemporary Capitalism of the ICSyH-AVP at the Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla, call for the Workshop “Experiencing the City: Critical Theories and Visual Methods”, …

L’Algoritmo e il Leviatano

Quarto seminario del ciclo Alle frontiere dell’Amazon-capitalism.Introduce e coordina: Mattia FrapportiCon: Sandro Mezzadra e Silvano Cacciari Il ciclo adotta Amazon quale punto di ingresso per indagare alcune frontiere cruciali dello sviluppo capitalistico contemporaneo.In questo incontro, guarderemo ad Amazon e all’algoritmo quali “poteri” concorrenti e talvolta conflittuali rispetto a quelli dello Stato.Partendo da una disamina storica, …

From Cities to Europe: Innovating Labour, Welfare and Policies in the Platform Economy

We would like to point out this series of three online seminars organised by the European project PLUS. Each seminar will address a central issue in the current debate around the platform economy: the transformations of work, the social protections to be recognised, the policies to govern the phenomenon at different geographical scales.More info below. …