[ENG] Officina Primo Maggio – Manifesto

We publish the Manifesto of Officina Primo Maggio, a “partisan political-cultural project, consciously aimed at exploring the conditions that make conflict practicable, understood as the ability of those directly involved in the production processes” that will take the form of a magazine, inspired by the historical Primo Maggio. Everything was ready, the first issue packed, …

Platform Urbanism and Conflicts in Northern Italy: “Traditional” Logistics, Amazon, and the Food -Delivery Platforms

Paper presented at the Supply&Command conference (https://supplystudies.com/supply-and-command/) New York, April 19th-20th, 2018. This paper synthetically discuss the research work of Into the Black Box. What I am going to present here is part of a collective research project called Into the Black Box, composed by trans-disciplinary young scholars now working in Barcelona, Bologna, Lugano and …

Block the box. Logistica, flussi, conflitti – Zapruder n. 46

Segnaliamo l’uscita del nuovo numero di Zapruder – Rivista di storia della conflittualità sociale che propone una prospettiva eterogenea e multi-situata sul tema “logistica”. Il numero contiene molti spunti provenienti da Into the Black Box. Niccolò Cuppini e Mattia Frapporti hanno curato il volume e tre interviste: una a Sergio Bologna, una a Stefano Harney e …